The Gerald McGavin Rugby Centre

The Bar at the Gerald McGavin UBC Rugby Centre is home to post-match functions and other events.

The Varsity Athletes' Gym at the Doug Mitchell Winter Sports Centre.

The Gerald McGavin Rugby Centre
UBC Rugby has the most comprehensive rugby facility in Canada, if not North America, and consists of:​
The new Gerald McGavin Rugby Centre, completed in January 2013 featuring field views, lounge, stadium seating and two Varsity changing rooms.
Four additional changing rooms in original rugby clubhouse.
4000 sq. ft., state of the art weight room with two sprinting alleys
Thunderbird Stadium featuring IRB approved turf for signature games with capacity for 8000, including 3000 covered seats.
The quality of these facilities has made UBC the Provincial Center of Excellence for the BC Rugby Union and the location of their summer programs.